Entrance: Free Donation
20:00 Illegal Jazz Brunch
21:00 SoundDiary
22:15 Extreme Mind
(Die Live-Musik muss leider um 23:30 fix aus sein, also bitte rechtzeitig kommen, da wir die Running Order leider nicht weiter nach hinter verschieben können! 😉 )
Illegal Jazz Brunch (Instrumental Math Rock)
Niklaas Kammerzelt – Guitar
Henrik Huber – Guitar
Immanuel Frötscher – Bass
Armin Heydari – Drums
Seit 2007 steht die vierköpfige Prog-Rock Formation aus Wien gemeinsam auf der Bühne und hat sich im Laufe der Jahre eine treue Fangemeinde erspielt.
SoundDiary überzeugen mit progressivem Songwriting, komplexen Arrangements, einem unverkennbaren Sound, sowie einer eigenständigen Klangatmosphäre.
Hannes Pichlmann – vocals, guitars
Stefan Pichlmann – keyboards and programming
Damián Posse – bass
Clemens Langbauer – acoustic and e-drums
Extreme Mind
Extreme Mind is a Vienna-based Progressive Metal band!
The talented musicians are developing a musical concept that’s new and innovative, and use all the possibilities available. Rap vocals (Lasse Tjorben) over heavy metal breakdowns, Keys & Synths (Adrian Walther) intermingled with fast Riffs and groovy basslines (Merlin) and in between a jazzy Guitar Solo (Sam Khoshnood). Together, they are working since time immemorial to turn every live show into an experience of musical enlightenment.
Extreme Mind goes where music has never been before,…
Sam Khoshnood (Guitars)
Adrian Walther (Drums/Synth/(Backing) Vox)
Lasse Tjorben (Vox)
Merlin (Bass)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExtremeMindMusic/
Instagramm: https://www.instagram.com/extrememind_official/